Sunday, August 12, 2007

Long time no post!! (^o^;)

Finally got my computer up and running without any problems...only took a few months. I still have to install all of my software and favorite programmes though. I simply can't breathe without Adobe photoshop and a well stocked music folder!!
I haven't been able to update much since my computer was down though so I have a lot of work to do, although I did manage to get all of my pics from Japan up onto my Flickr account, and I plan to switch it to a pro account for when I go back in November, for both convenience and more space. I suppose I may get cracking...I bought ALOT of cd's in Japan and have so so many entries to make with reviews so.... (^-^)0

Oh! I dunno if this is gonna work, I haven't had time to try it using a computer other than my own but here is the link anyway:

I can't find some of my favorite songs on, so if you would like to hear the song that I might have wrote about in a post, feel free to have a listen. Or alternatively download it. But do please keep in mind, that if you like the artist you should do the honorable thing of actually supporting them by buying their albums/singles.

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