Sunday, August 12, 2007

Utada Hikaru "Ultra Blue"

Yes! I finally got it! One of they very few albums that I actually bought new in Japan. This, Ito Yuna's "Heart", (that sounded grosse!) Yui's "My Generation/Understand" single and Yui's "From me to you" album (kind of wore out my last one!)

The rest were a complete steal at like 400 yen for each of them at Tsutaya. All in amazing condition considering they were second hand. Hardly a scratch on any of them. Plus I was lucky enough to find both "Deep River" and the "Flavor of Life" single. Which happens to be one of my favorite Hikki songs. Especially the ballad version (^_-)

Well onwards then....

Ultra Blue

1. This is Love
2. Keep Tryin'
4. 日曜の朝
5. Making Love
6. 誰かの願いが協うころ
8. One Night Magic feat. Yamada Masahi
9. 海路
11. Be my Last
12. Eclipse (Interlude)
13. Passion

Unfortunately I can't single out any of the songs. Not much help in a review like...sorry but the simple fact is, it's one of Utada's best albums to date and I can't honestly say there is a BAD song on the entire album.

The soft and sensual ones:
日曜の朝, Be my Last, Passion, 誰かの願いが協うころ

Like a softer Hip-hop style:

Jazz/Hip-hop, kind of hard to put your finger on a style unless you say: Unique?
WINGS, One Night Magic feat. Yamada Masahi, COLORS, Making Love, BLUE

Although I like them all, I'll admit like anyone else there ARE some of the songs that are down on my most played more than others. Those being:

Keep Tryin'
Making Love

With "Keep Tryin'" slightly above the others by a few plays. I think new listeners will probably reach out towards the obvious ones: THIS IS LOVE and PASSION. But having heard these songs over and over and over before I even bought the album I've already reached a steady Plateau. The best time in my opinion. For me this is when I stick the album on shuffle and not prefer one song over the rest.

Albums like this however are very few and far between. Of course all of Yui's and Utada's start off like that and never change for me because I love all of their songs. Being a big fan, I'm biased like that! My media player just seems to do this stupid thing, of playing them in a sequence even if it's on random or shuffle. Sometimes to the point where I can predict what song it will jump to next.
Stupid Windows Media Player.

Buy "Ultra Blue" at:

Long time no post!! (^o^;)

Finally got my computer up and running without any problems...only took a few months. I still have to install all of my software and favorite programmes though. I simply can't breathe without Adobe photoshop and a well stocked music folder!!
I haven't been able to update much since my computer was down though so I have a lot of work to do, although I did manage to get all of my pics from Japan up onto my Flickr account, and I plan to switch it to a pro account for when I go back in November, for both convenience and more space. I suppose I may get cracking...I bought ALOT of cd's in Japan and have so so many entries to make with reviews so.... (^-^)0

Oh! I dunno if this is gonna work, I haven't had time to try it using a computer other than my own but here is the link anyway:

I can't find some of my favorite songs on, so if you would like to hear the song that I might have wrote about in a post, feel free to have a listen. Or alternatively download it. But do please keep in mind, that if you like the artist you should do the honorable thing of actually supporting them by buying their albums/singles.