Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Orange Range "Hana"

"Ahh!! Yuji's so adorable!!!"

This is a great song, and the soundtrack to one of my favorite movies, "Ima, ai ni yukimasu" which if you haven't seen, I would highly recommend purchasing! Great song and the music video has the usual clips from the movie as soundtracks do, so it's also a pleasure to watch (unlike some I've posted about before heh!)

Download: "Hana"
Watch: "Hana"
Lyrics: "Hana"

Watch the "Ima, ai ni yukimasu" Movie trailer.

Utada Hikaru "Final Distance"

Okay, this song makes me sad, the video makes me cry. Most people would avoid it then, like the plague. But it's strangely a beautiful song. Only from what I've been told, one of Hikki's fans won an essay competition in school in which she wrote about how she admired Utada and how she wanted to be just like her some day. Just before the release of Utada's song "Distance" the young girl was killed in a shooting in her school (RIP). So Utada changed the lyrics and also the song title to "Final Distance" and dedicated the song to her. If you haven't heard it, I would definetly recommend it, it's another one of my Hikki favs! Plus the video is awe-inspiring!

Download: "Final Distance"

Ayumi Hamasaki "Game"

Wow, the last video of Ayumi's I saw was "Jewel" and she was singing with a cute little fur coat on and big sparkly nails and makeup. All of a sudden she's dressed head to toe in black PVC and headbanging!!?? Too right! Woo! By the way this is not a recent song or anything, I just thought I'd post about it since I mentioned it before. Okay for a real POP artist this video freaked me out more than Gazette's "Filth in the beauty"! Great song though. Still unsure about the video, I think watching it once was enough. Ayumi's not one of my top favorite artists but she does do some real awesome songs, this being one of them. Another album to buy soon.

Download: "Game"
Watch: "Game"
Lyrics: "Game"

Ito Yuna "Losin"

"You're gonna catch yerself a cold love..."

Anyone that knows me will wonder why on earth I'm listening to THIS type of music. It's not me at all. But it's so damn catchy! Especially when she starts rapping the Japanese parts in the verses. This has more english than I'm used to in songs too. Really great tune though. The video... well it's one for the guys really. Same for Ayumi Hamasaki's "Game" these gals obviously aren't worried about drawing in a female crowd. Oh yeh and is it just me or does the mirror part remind you of YUI's "CHE.R.RY" video?

Download: "Losin"
Watch: "Losin"
Lyrics: "Losin"

YUI "Understand [Movie version]"

I don't need to say much about YUI, I think everyone knows by now she's my favorite artist which obviously makes my opinion biased. But I will be completely honest, I actually listened to this song once and then left it for ages. Mostly because it was released on the net at the same time as "My Generation" which is really addictive. But I got listening to it recently and actually think it's a really pretty song. Now it's played more than My Generation. Strange how that happens...

Download: "Understand"
Watch: "Understand"
Lyrics: "Understand"

My Generation is the soundtrack for the drama "Seito Shokun"
Understand is the ending soundtrack for the new movie "Sidecar ni inu"

My Generation/Understand will be released on June 13th.

The Gazette "Filth in the beauty"

Another great discovery. I only just found about Gazette. And this is the first song I heard. I love the hip-hop mixed in throughout. The video can be a little uncomfortable to watch. Kind of freaks me out, plus people keep flagging it as unsuitable in youtube. Awesome song though, I'll be investing in their album soon.

Download: "Filth in the Beauty"
Watch: "Filth in the Beauty"
Lyrics: "Filth in the Beauty"

Utada Hikaru - "Flavor of Life [Ballad]"

Hikki-chan is now one of my favorite artists. I can't remember how I found out about her, but the first song I heard was "Passion" which I still adore. But this is slowly climbing to the top of my "Most-played" list. Brilliant song. I much prefer the Ballad version to the original.

Download: "Flavor of Life [Ballad]"
Watch: "Flavor of Life [Ballad]"
Lyrics: "Flavor of Life" (akaiyubi's blog)